Sunday, May 24, 2009


i dont seem to get any blog posts anymore...i mean i have lotz of i deas but, i just dont seem to be able to get to a computr to get them out and then theyre anyone?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

me iz groms...

my art teacher is probably the most down to earth connected to the universe person. now, in our class we have something called the grom hierarchy and consists of groms of different wavelengths and gromieness. groms are basically the stupid and inexperienced lower things who enjoy only themselves with the help of their faithful sidekick the fly. he is the darkest enemy of the master as he distracts the groms from their development and interferes with their energies. i dont know where i fall yet because as a grom i have cjanged alot so my grom name changes.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

...{no title}...

people think computers are cool and the whole new style is the future with holograms and robots and that...well i do not reject that thought! at all! im just kidding. i actually think because history is constantly repeating itself, as per my history teacher, the new style is retro with a modern a pretzel! though the cyberspace universe is constantly expanding, people are still traveling back time... back in time... back in time little by little. it takes a single person with a unique understanding of the world to revolutionize an entire era... take van gogh for an example. were moving two steps forward and at the same time reliving old memories.

Monday, May 11, 2009

...journalism, parkour and other great things in life...

it was suggested by my teacher yesterday that i should pursue a career in journalism. Wow...o...well, when would i have time or space to do parkour? soccer? will this career control my whole life? i'm not sure if i should take journalism, but it has always been a preferred career choice. i shall probably spend a couple of sleepless nights wondering about the what if's and or if's but for now im just going to live life by the second and day because i figured that if there is so much to learn in life and so little time i might as well live life to the fullest and roll with the punches. a favorite qoute of mine is...
if you follow in the footsteps of others you will have to fit in their shoes...
i must admit i made that one up randomly X~).so i guess i prefer to find my own way and not follow others. i think that is what life is all about, finding out who and what you are and never straying away from that because then you become the most beautiful thing in the world...deep stuff...*phew*!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

looks like parkour seems to be the direction this blog is taking kwl! XD hope you guys enjoy!!! i advise you to go to cuz it is a really good palce to learn about parkour and it is just a giant community of people doing parkour...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

guys sorry to add this later but david belle is a master at parkour yeah take a look at district 13 the movie
i found this article online and started thinking...and if your interested here it is..."When you begin doing Parkour you begin to see things from a different point of view. Parkour is da search for freedom. Parkour is a feeling trapped in each of us. Parkour wants to jump high and higher. Parkour means wishing to be better everyday, day by day, little by little. Parkour means taking control of your mind, your body and your soul. Parkour is about washing off fear from our Soul. Parkour means nurturing the mind. Finding balance. Parkour means finding joy. Parkour is fun. Parkour is great. Parkour is cool. Parkour is a life style"... yeah im pretty convinced im gunna commit to parkour